Article by Wanjiku Maina of

Growing up, Oltesh Thobias did not have lofty dreams about his life. He believed that he would marry a Maasai girl, have children and lead a quiet pastoralist’s life in his small village in Tanzania just like many had done before him.

However, his commitment to pursue education changed the story of his life. Today, he is a TEDx speaker and coach and a published author of a self-development book titled From Campus to the Boardroom. He spoke to

What are the three most memorable books you have read so far and what makes them so?

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. From it I learnt that you need to give people what they want, for them to give you what you want. It does not have to be money; even a simple word of praise will do the trick. Dale says a drop of honey gathers more flies than a gallon of gold.

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living also by Dale Carnegie. I used to worry about everything, like: will I find a girl to marry me? I am not handsome, dark and tall enough; I am not a good public speaker; I was not born and raised in a rich family. What if I make a mistake at work and they fire me? And Dale said to me, “Use the law of averages to outlaw your worries. More than 90 per cent of the things we worry about will not happen.” This book restored my confidence.

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