You will agree with me that, growing up, the food we ate tasted much better than what we eat today, the seasons were more predictable than what we experience today, we had more rains than what we have today, and even the clothing that we bought was more durable than what we buy today.

What about cars, they bodies of the cars was more strong and solid than what we have today. Research shows that even bees are disappearing, sorry if you like honey.

So what is going on? Are we losing out, Is the world coming to an end? Somebody said, if we continue with this trend of consumption of non-renewable energy, emission of ozone depleting gases, producing plastic, we have only 12 years to survive. The 12 years we have is exactly the time we have to realize the 17 Sustainable Development goals. ( SDGs)

Since we all need to contribute to saving planet earth, and as part of my Toastmasters technical presentation project that requires Internet,I would like you to participate in this noble cause by doing the following:

  1. Visit the following websites ( below) (i) Familiarize or update yourself on SDGs ii)a TED presentation on SDGs
  4. Respond to the three questions below.
    1. What do you know about SDG?……………………………………………………………………
  • Are you contributing in any way in order to achieve one of two goals by 2030?………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
    • Do you have any suitability policy at work, home or in the community around you?………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
    • If yes, what exactly are you doing?…………………………………………………………………
  • Out of the 17 goals what would be your first, 1st, 2nd , 3rd,4th  & 5th priority?
  • Rank and insert  the number on the third column
  Goal Your ranking in terms of
1 No poverty  
2 Zero hunger  
3 Good health and wellbeing  
4 Quality education  
5 Gender equality  
6 Clean water and sanitation  
7 Affordable and clean energy  
8 Decent work and economic growth  
9 Industry innovation and infrastructure  
10 Reduced inequality  
11 Sustainable cities and communities  
12 Responsible production and consumption  
13 Climate action  
14 Life below water  
15 Life on land  
16 Peace and justice  
17 Partnerships for the goals  

The project requires this conversation to happen through internet/ or emails, before, during and after the speech. I am planning to narrow my presentation into three focus areas based on the ranking of the goals selected by members. I would appreciate your contribution and participation.